Sherry C. Dempsey CPA PLLC

  1233 Shelburne Rd  Ste C-4

So Burlington, VT 05403

(802) 846-7393




Our practice is located in Lakewood Commons at 1233 Shelburne Road, Rte 7, South Burlington, Vermont.

Follow the circular drive around the buildings to park in the back farthest away from Shelburne Road near the Stetson House.  The office entrance is on the 2nd floor at the top of the outside stairs and to the right.


The Eagles Club is also located in Lakewood Commons. Other businesses nearby on Shelburne Road include McDonald's, Verizon, and the Audi dealership. 


Our practice is located at 1233 Shelburne Road in South Burlington, VT, in an office complex named Lakewood Commons.  There is a circular drive around the office buildings.  Park in the back farthest away from Shelburne Road.  The entrance to the office is up the outside stairs and to the right.

To avoid the stairs, park on the north side versus in the back.  Follow the sidewalk between the two buildings straight back to door at the end. (Note: no exterior signs are visible when entering the building from this direction.)

The Eagles Club and Sport Style shop are also located in Lakewood Commons. Other businesses nearby on Shelburne Road include McDonald's, Verizon, and the Audi dealership. 


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If you wish to drop off information and we are not in, it can be left securely upstairs under our suite door.